The clear skies are a welcome sight this morning. We have received rain, rain and more rain over the last few days. I need to check the rain gauge, but I think we're well over an inch by now. I have been loving the thunderstorms, downpours and rainbows that follow.
We did have a bit of excitement last night after hearing a hail storm was rolling through Ridgway. In a panic, as a storm approached the farm, we ran around like mad covering as many crops with fabric as possible to protect against potential hail. There is something about splashing through mud in the rain, it really brings out my inner child and puts a huge smile on my face. Luckily we just received rain (knock on wood) and the crops are happy as ever.
Head Lettuce
Bok Choy
Kale, Chard or Collard Greens
Heirloom Tomatoes
Cherry Tomatoes
Zucchini/Summer Squash
Green Beans
Fava Beans or Eggplant
Ground Cherry Teaser!!!