The cool temperatures and snowflakes falling over the past couples days have had me wondering what time of the year it is. Brrr. I secretly love seeding and transplanting on cold days, all bundled up with a cup of tea. Something about this is so cozy and just feels right to me. Luckily we are only transplanting crops that are hardy and can handle some cold nights, such as kale, cabbages, bok choy, onions, leeks, etc.
Now, transplanting in the snow is a different story... and not quite as charming as cool overcast days. So I have been sleeping in, procrastinating and waiting for sunshine.
Remember my spaz planting of tomatoes last week? I am happy to report that with several layers of fabric and plastic covers in the greenhouse, they have stayed warm and comfortable in the evenings, even with the temperatures dropping down to 20 degrees outside. They're getting settled in their new space and already starting to fill out. They have one more cold evening and then it is supposed to start warming up.
The days and weeks are flying by right now. Psst, tomorrow is May 1st! Yikes. Things get a little crazy from now until middle of June. Lets see just how much we can get in the ground in the next 45 days. Ready, set, go!
I dug the remaining onions and leeks out of the greenhouse on Sunday afternoon as the wind blew and clouds came and went. I planted most of these in the Montrose garden this afternoon, but there are a few onions and a lot of leeks left to go in the ground.
The barn is overflowing with starts. I am off to stoke the fire for the evening and repot a few things before bed.
More updates and pictures to come.
Have a beautiful week,