Its lovely and crisp outside this morning and the mountains are just starting to light up. Mmm should be a gorgeous day. Sorry we missed the last couple weeks on the blog... things have been a little busy and I have been sleeping in, oops! I probably need the extra sleep but it makes me wake up in a panic :).
The days have been silly and playful lately... hiking, laughing, seeding, harvesting, digging, pruning, and everything else.
We harvested the garlic last week and it's now hanging in the barn for a month or so to cure. Smells AMAZING.

Now, if somebody would please tell the squirrels and chipmunks to stop nibbling on carrots and tomatoes! Seriously critters, you're making me crazy. Grrr.

Salad Greens or Spinach
Kale or Chard
Edible Flowers
Zucchini, Cherry Tomatoes, Padrons or Beaver Dams! (Just a teaser, but there are many more of these to come)
Sourdough Flavor of the Week: Seeded (Sunflower, Oats, Flax, Millet)

Have a great day!!