I have sleepy eyes... am writing down today's harvest list and drinking coffee. Mmmm coffee.
Can we talk about the fact that this is the last week of August and come Tuesday it will be September? Summer, I request you slow down and hang around for a while, ok? The days already feel so much shorter... Eeek!
The garden is overflowing with color! Flowers, tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, beans, etc... and the harvests are pretty constant at the moment which has us very busy and trying to keep up.
This week we started pulling storage crops. A few onion varieties (Cabernet, Walla Walla and Mill Creek Red) have started to fall and are ready for curing. The Walla Walls are HUGE, I've never grown softball size onions and am pretty pumped. We also harvested the potatoes and are making room for the last seeding of spinach and salad, which we plan to place a small moveable caterpillar tunnel over in October to keep some greens rocking through the cold snowy months to come. Whoop!
Details on what you'll find in this week's CSA Share:
Salad Greens
Green Beans
Pepper or Eggplant
Turnips and Cabbage (Thank Mike Nolan/Mountain Roots Produce!)
Sourdough Flavor of the Week: Seeded (Quinoa, Sunflower, Sesame and Oats)
Have a lovely day!