Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Return of Spring

Hello Friends! 

Dreamy morning here today. I am motivating with pancakes and enjoying the sunshine, slight breeze and birds singing. Such a difference from last Tuesday... when I woke up to snow and temperatures in the 20s. 

Last week was... exciting! Winter made a very real appearance, honeybees arrived, we planted sweet peppers, more tomatoes and scallions. And we seeded a lot of trays to feel productive while the snow was falling :). 

Planting craze from now until middle of June. Whoop whoop! 

Construction of the third greenhouse has begun. Hoping this baby will be up and ready for planting in 10 days?! 

I think we will be amending beds, transplanting head lettuce, seeding and repotting a few things today. 

Yay Sunshine!!! 

Have a lovely day,

1 comment:

  1. Whoa! Great photos! Especially love the one with the bee!! So very exciting :)
