Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Fall CSA - Week #2

Fall is in the air and leaves are dancing through the yard. Foggy mornings with rain in the garden and snow in the mountains. Perfect. 

We skinned the caterpillar tunnel on Sunday afternoon, woohoo! And then a powerful storm blew in around 4 a.m. on Monday morning... the wind was strong and so loud it woke me up. I definitely mumbled 'hold on caterpillar tunnel' and then went back to sleep. And was happy to see it held up just fine even with those 35 mph gusts. So... the salad and spinach beds are looking good and should appreciate the additional protection once cooler weather arrives. Looks like a frost may actually happen Thursday or Friday night? I still have dahlias and sunflowers blooming in the garden... a bit strange.

I spent a rainy day earlier in the week getting organized and trying to clean up some of my projects. I shelled the Jacob's Cattle beans that we harvested a few weeks ago, so gorgeous, and the perfect rainy day activity. My body is appreciating the slower pace and extra sleep. Yay Fall.

Quick reminder, I love mulching my garden with leaves so... please let me know if you rake up leaves in your yard and would like me to take them off your hands. Thanks! 

This week's CSA share will include:

Salad Greens

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