Planting Frenzy
Rainy morning! The low clouds and cool damp air feels so cozy... mmm morning coffee never tasted better. It rained off and on for most of the night and everything is pretty soaked outside. Looks like the perfect day to catch up on emails and paper work, which isn't my favorite task but needs to be done...
The past week was wonderfully productive! We completed the greenhouse with the help of our amazing friends. Thanks guys! Feels so good to have this project complete so we can start to focus our energy elsewhere. We tilled and built beds in the greenhouse, set up the irrigation and planted a few beds of tomatoes on Friday in the midst of the first real wind test. Wow, the wind was crazy, strong and relentless. The first round of tomatoes are in the ground, which has me psyched! Come on maters, do your thang!
I'm suddenly having dreams/nightmares about the temps dropping way lower than expected. My oh my, calm down brain, it's 40 degrees outside not 15. Relax.
We also completed the allium planting! All of the onions, leeks and scallions are transplanted and adjusting to their new space. I imagine they're loving all this rain! And, we ordered a new seeder this Spring and I took it for a spin on Wednesday and seeded more salad, spinach, arugula and radishes. It's awesome and speeds things up tremendously, love it.
The early greens are growing (slooooowly). I spent yesterday weeding, thinning and getting excited to start harvesting CSA shares in a month!
Enjoy all the moisture, looks like sunshine and heat are arriving later in the week.
Once things dry out a little we'll be planting potatoes... for days!
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