It's a beautiful Summer morning here. I was out early today and as the sun was rose our neighbor's sheep were all entering the field and excited to scratch their backs on the side roll, so funny.

We spent most of the week weeding and had a few rescue missions. The beets and carrots were completely swallowed by thistle and bindweed, but not any more!
I discovered the first tomato horn worm last night... seems a bit early? I was out weeding the latest succession of greens when I looked over at the tomatoes and noticed a couple leaves were chomped... and right next to them was this little trouble maker!
Harvest details for Week #4:
Head Lettuce
Bok Choy
Salad Greens
Kale (new variety I'm trying, Madeley, let us know what you think!)
Snow Peas
Snap Peas
Garlic Scapes
Have a wonderful day and I will see you all soon!