Wednesday, June 15, 2016

CSA Harvest - Week #2

Good morning, 

It has already been a week since our last harvest, time is flying by. It was so wonderful to see all the old and new CSA Members last week! Seeing you all and you're excitement about the produce made my week and reminded me why I'm doing this, to feed people the best produce we can grow. Thanks for being so wonderful and supporting our farm and locally grown food. I'm excited to have you with us this season!

I spent Friday morning trellising tomatoes and it felt so good. They have been growing quickly and had turned into these wild bushes that were falling all over the place, now their trimmed and standing up straight. Thinking in a month or so we'll have walls of tomatoes. Grow beauties grow!

The snap peas have started producing, and they taste like candy. I'm hoping we'll have enough for the CSA next week. 

We enjoyed a few overcast mornings that we heavenly. Perfect weather for weeding and I kept catching myself letting out these appreciative sighs and mmmm noises. Yea clouds! And on Monday afternoon we had thunderstorms and some rain, which felt amazing. 

It looks like a heat wave is coming though, they're saying we're going to be in the 90s this weekend... eek! 

This week's share will include:

Salad Greens
Mustard Greens
Head Lettuce
Garlic Scapes

Have a beautiful day! 

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