Good morning!
Wow. Where did September go? I feel like Labor Day Weekend just happened... Mmmm, savor these last few days of September, the perfect weather and those incredible colors. I'm excited to see how much the trees have changed since I drove up last week...
It has been nonstop harvest around here. The end of last week was cold and wet and very windy. We received a lot of rain Thursday night and Friday morning, which made everything around here pretty muddy. We had planned a big potato harvest for Sunday but after that storm the soil was too wet so we harvested turnips and carrots instead.
The soil is still a little damp but we were able to pull more potatoes out of the ground yesterday and they'll be in your CSA Shares today. Woohoo!
And... I should let you all know that at our farm, tomato season is over. The evenings have been getting cold, the plants were tired and about out of fruit so I decided to pull them over the weekend. Make way for December greens! By Sunday afternoon we had 5 of the 7 beds cleared, tilled and reseeded with greens. Salad, spinach, kale and mustard greens are all seeded and will be up in no time. These should be ready to harvest and be in the Fall CSA Shares by Thanksgiving...
While we are harvesting we are analyzing and discussing how we can make things more efficient at our farm. Efficiency is key! And taking care of our bodies, as we demand so much from them on a daily basis. So we're discussing adding a new tractor to the mix along with a few smart implements... mostly to help with our weeding game. Work smarter not harder! I love these brainstorm sessions, they get me very excited about the possibilities and next year. Stay tuned!
OK, onto the harvest details for CSA Week #17:
Salad Greens
Mustard Greens
Peppers (Sweet and Hot!)
Green Tomatoes
I look forward to seeing you all this afternoon!
Good morning,
Well, my prediction last week was right... We have had a few frosts this week, the first one during the early morning hours on Friday. It was a fairly light frost at our place but still took down the zucchini, beans, cucumbers and winter squash plants. But that's ok, it was time! The dahlias sit in a higher part of the farm and are still hanging on but I need to cut them all before the end of the week as it's supposed to get cold on Friday night.
The evenings cool off so quickly now. As soon as the sunsets the temps drops quick, which feels good but you better have a layer or two closer by to throw on.
We have been tackling one harvest task after another around here and enjoying the perfect weather. On Saturday we pulled the rest of the Walla Walla onions and then had an evening winter squash harvest. The Hubbards are gorgeous and there were a lot more in the field than I thought. And who doesn't love Delicata. They're all set up outside on pallets and will be curing for the next couple weeks before they find their way into the CSA Shares.

Potatoes! Mike dug a few more beds on Sunday and with the help of a friend we sifted, sorted and got them bagged right before dark. Woohoo!
What else... I think we got most of the red and green cabbages out of the field, cleared the collard greens, etc... and now we're (err Mike is) starting to turn the field and will be seeding cover crops in the coming week(s). Mmmm, it feels good to start closing out sections of the farm for the season.
I'm obsessed with how good the Fall green block is looking! Kale, Collards, Chard, Bok Choy, Napa Cabbage, Head Lettuce, Mustards, Salad, Spinach and Arugula. Grow beauties! They're ready for a good weeding, which I'm hoping to get to this weekend... fingers crossed. Reminder, there are a few Fall CSA Shares remaining, sign up now to enjoy these greens and all of our storage crops til mid-December.
Harvest details for Week #16:
Salad Greens
Mustard Greens
Sweet Peppers
Hot Peppers
Bok Choy
Walla Walla Onion
See you all this afternoon, have a beautiful day!
Hello there,
It's cool and windy this morning and I need to layer up before heading outside to finish the harvest. Mmm, the Autumnal Equinox is a week away and there is definitely a feeling of Fall in the air. We're welcoming it around here, the shorter and cooler days feel incredible and my drive to Telluride with your CSA shares is becoming more beautiful each week as the leaves begin to change.
We harvested a few beds of potatoes this week and you'll find them in the CSA share today! A lovely mix of Yukons, Reds and Purples. And Mike spent Monday mowing the remaining potato beds so the potatoes will cure and be ready to harvest in a couple weeks. So. Many. Potatoes!
We cleaned and bagged up all the red onions on Saturday and harvested the yellow storage onions, which sized up beautifully! It's a new variety we're trying this season so we'll see how it cures and stores.
I made a quick trip back to Ridgway over the weekend and spent time with my family and an incredible friend. Aaahhh, so wonderful to play with my nephew, laugh with my brother and just sit, sip coffee and catch up with my parents. Home sweet home. With farming there are always endless to-do lists, which I love, but I need to be better about stopping and spending time with loved ones.

The Summer crops know Fall's a comin' and are slowing down and dying back. This week mark's the last week of beans and zucchini, and maybe cucumbers too. I have a sneaky suspicion that we could see a light frost on Thursday or Friday night... they're calling for temps in the high 30's but with the Full Moon I think it could get a little colder than predicted. We'll see?
I cannot stop checking on the Fall green block... they're growing SO fast and are ready for another weeding. I love Wednesdays and seeing all your sweet faces, but Thursday mornings are the best. I wake up and have a few days to tackle projects before I need to think about harvesting again... and this week weeding all the green beds is what I'm hoping to tackle. Wish me luck!
CSA Harvest - Week #15 includes:
Salad Greens
Heirloom Tomatoes
Walla Walla Onion
Have a beautiful day!
Hello there,
Here we are, it's September and crisp, cool air is beginning to embrace us on a daily basis. Mmm.... and it feels so good.
We're getting ready to start the heavy lifting around here, and plan to start harvesting potatoes, carrots, beets, winter squash etc... later this week.
The tomatoes are still ripening like crazy, I thought the cooler weather last week was going to slow them down for a little while but I was wrong, they're going for it and must sense Fall coming. Enjoy the heirlooms while they're here with their amazing flavors, beautiful shapes and colors.
We enjoyed them with burrata over the weekend, and it has me craving more. I spent the weekend harvesting, weeding and catching up on a few tasks that have been on my list for a while. And even though the days are shorter, something about working sun up til sun down and the cooler air has made me incredibly hungry and I dream up the next meal while I'm completing a task... tomato soup has been on my brain and needs to happen soon!
The Fall block of greens are rebounding nicely after last week's hail. Wahoo! They're growing right out of it and should be ready to start harvesting from in a few weeks. When I get stressed at the farm I normally buy something to help reduce the worry of whatever has me worked up, so last week I bought more row cover so I could attempt to cover these crops when future hail storms arrive and from the coming cold weather. It still needs cut to size, laid out and set up with hoops and weights... in time.

The Brussels Sprouts are looking happy and starting to fill out. I check on them a few times a week with excitement... I think Fall is going to taste so so good. We're offering a Fall CSA again this year, and if you're aren't signed up already, check out the Fall CSA tab above and sign up ASAP. We only have a few spots left and would love for you to join us and keep your kitchen filled with fresh, seasonal produce grown on our farm.
Ok ok, enough about Fall. Lets focus on the current moment, shall we. This week's CSA Harvest includes the following:
Salad Greens
Red Cabbage
Heirloom Tomatoes
Bell Pepper
Walla Walla Onion
Looking forward to seeing you all this afternoon! Have a wonderful day