It's cool and windy this morning and I need to layer up before heading outside to finish the harvest. Mmm, the Autumnal Equinox is a week away and there is definitely a feeling of Fall in the air. We're welcoming it around here, the shorter and cooler days feel incredible and my drive to Telluride with your CSA shares is becoming more beautiful each week as the leaves begin to change.
We harvested a few beds of potatoes this week and you'll find them in the CSA share today! A lovely mix of Yukons, Reds and Purples. And Mike spent Monday mowing the remaining potato beds so the potatoes will cure and be ready to harvest in a couple weeks. So. Many. Potatoes!
We cleaned and bagged up all the red onions on Saturday and harvested the yellow storage onions, which sized up beautifully! It's a new variety we're trying this season so we'll see how it cures and stores.
I made a quick trip back to Ridgway over the weekend and spent time with my family and an incredible friend. Aaahhh, so wonderful to play with my nephew, laugh with my brother and just sit, sip coffee and catch up with my parents. Home sweet home. With farming there are always endless to-do lists, which I love, but I need to be better about stopping and spending time with loved ones.

The Summer crops know Fall's a comin' and are slowing down and dying back. This week mark's the last week of beans and zucchini, and maybe cucumbers too. I have a sneaky suspicion that we could see a light frost on Thursday or Friday night... they're calling for temps in the high 30's but with the Full Moon I think it could get a little colder than predicted. We'll see?
I cannot stop checking on the Fall green block... they're growing SO fast and are ready for another weeding. I love Wednesdays and seeing all your sweet faces, but Thursday mornings are the best. I wake up and have a few days to tackle projects before I need to think about harvesting again... and this week weeding all the green beds is what I'm hoping to tackle. Wish me luck!

Salad Greens
Heirloom Tomatoes
Walla Walla Onion
Have a beautiful day!
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