Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Fall CSA Harvest - Week #2

Good morning, 

Fall is the best. We have had another week of perfect weather here and we're trying to savor every minute. 

Checking things off the harvest list one by one. This weekend we cleared the beet field, which feels awesome. And  we started on the rutabagas, which are huge and beautiful! I am discovering a love for rutabaga, it's incredibly sweet and versatile in the kitchen. These will be in the CSA shares next week along with a few more recipe ideas.

Tonight is going to be chilly, they're saying mid 20s so I will be leaving Telluride as soon as CSA pickup wraps up at 2pm and head home to cover the greens with row cover before it gets dark.

Please keep your fingers crossed for some moisture. Things are getting pretty dry around here with all this sunshine... and we need some rain before we can disc in any more of the field as well as prep garlic beds. Looks like there's a chance next Monday/Tuesday, come on rain!

Ok, harvest details for Fall CSA - Week #2:

2 Head Lettuce
Napa Cabbage!

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