I hope everybody had a wonderful Fourth of July! We spent most of the day weeding... and then visited with friends and watched fireworks in Mancos.
It's July and dragonflies are everywhere. I just finished up harvest and as I walked back from our wash station there were gorgeous dragonflies flying every which direction and then a beautiful yellow butterfly flew right in front of my face. It was good reminder to slow down...
Friday and Saturday were lovely and brought cool temps, low clouds and RAIN. And I couldn't have been happier. I used the stormy weather effectively and spent most of Friday in the greenhouse pruning and trellising tomatoes, which was much over due. Now they're all trim and have some direction. Happy to report they're setting lots of fruit and are covered with flowers. Hoping we are all enjoying tomatoes by the end of the month. Tick tock, tick tock.
We have been a couple weeding fools around here. The rain was amazing, and I think the weeds are in agreement as it feels like they doubled in size overnight. So we're tackling one section at a time and hoping the crops begin to take over choke the weeds out a little.
Potato block is blooming! Cabbage heads are forming.
Garlic harvest starts tomorrow afternoon!
This week's CSA share includes:

Salad Greens
Mustard Greens
Bok Choy
Snow or Snap Peas
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