Coffee and the calm of this early morning are heavenly. Mmmm, I'm writing my to-do list for the day and will head outside shortly to finish this week's CSA Harvest. CSA Members, thank you for joining us this season! I'm happy to report this has been our most bountiful start to a season yet and looking out at the field I think that will continue as the season progresses. I hope you're finding inspiration in the kitchen to use up all those greens and veggies that you're maybe not so familiar with.
We spent a couple days harvesting and hanging garlic this week. All of the softnecks are out of the field and hung and most of the hard necks are as well. Woohoo!
We have had a couple amazing friends helping us out at the farm and we're starting to get a handle on the weeds (fingers crossed that doesn't change as soon as I state it!). The brassicas are weeded and huge so hopefully they'll take over and be set for the season.

The cherry tomatoes are close, I have found a few ready for snacking so we should be harvesting these to share in no time.
We seeded a round of fall brassicas last week and they're already up and growing. Yes, it's the middle of Summer but we're already thinking about Fall and the many things we want to have available for our Fall CSA.

Salad Greens
Head Lettuce
Pepper! (Green bell of Beaver Dam **my favorite)
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