Thursday, April 14, 2016

Spring Showers!

Good morning, 

The sun is up, sky is calm and birds are singing. Time to get moving... after a quick update. 

We had a couple nice storms roll through this past week and shower the farm with rain and a little hail. The garlic looked especially happy on Saturday morning, grow garlic grow!

We seeded the first round of outside greens, roots and herbs right before the rain, which always feels good. They haven't popped up through the soil yet, but I checked on them yesterday and there germinating down below. Looks like we're in for a rainy couple days starting tonight or tomorrow, and I think everything is going to love the moisture! 

The peas and favas are all making an appearance as well. I haven't had a pea crop in a couple years so I run out and check on them with excitement every morning to see how much they've grown. 

The spicy mustard mix is ready in the greenhouse, woohoo! Mmmm, harvesting fresh greens again feels amazing. My body craves them in the spring, after the long cold winter months and probably because they're so sweet before the heat of summer arrives.

We started potting up sweet peppers last week. Sweet blocky red bell peppers I can hardly wait. They are hands down my favorite snack out of the garden in the Summer. Crisp, incredibly sweet and slightly warm from the sunshine... oh yes. Next up hot peppers!

We are framing greenhouse doors and maybe attaching some plastic today... and seeding a couple more things before the rain arrives! 

CSA harvests start in about 7 weeks folks! I am so excited to start harvesting for you all. Enjoy this gorgeous day!