Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Fall CSA Harvest - Week #3

Hello there, 

The sky is clear and it's frosty and cold outside at the moment. But the sun will rise shortly and warm everything up in no time. 

We enjoyed a cool and cloudy harvest yesterday. A little bit of rain fell during the early hours on Tuesday but it didn't amount to much... I truly love the sunshine and warmth that have been the norm here for the last couple weeks, but something about harvesting on overcast and chilly mornings just feels right. 

The root crops and greens are growing sweeter by the day. I hope they're making your kitchen burst with flavor and inspiration! 

The cover crops Mike seeded earlier in the month are up and glowing green, especially at sunset. Here's the former winter squash patch now filled with triticale and hairy vetch. 

And, the garlic beds are prepped and we're planning to plant this weekend.

Fall CSA Harvest - Week #3:
Napa Cabbage
Kale or Collards
2 Head Lettuce
Hakurei Turnips
Forono Beets
Delicata Squash

I'll see you all this afternoon. Have a great day! 

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Fall CSA Harvest - Week #2

Good morning, 

Fall is the best. We have had another week of perfect weather here and we're trying to savor every minute. 

Checking things off the harvest list one by one. This weekend we cleared the beet field, which feels awesome. And  we started on the rutabagas, which are huge and beautiful! I am discovering a love for rutabaga, it's incredibly sweet and versatile in the kitchen. These will be in the CSA shares next week along with a few more recipe ideas.

Tonight is going to be chilly, they're saying mid 20s so I will be leaving Telluride as soon as CSA pickup wraps up at 2pm and head home to cover the greens with row cover before it gets dark.

Please keep your fingers crossed for some moisture. Things are getting pretty dry around here with all this sunshine... and we need some rain before we can disc in any more of the field as well as prep garlic beds. Looks like there's a chance next Monday/Tuesday, come on rain!

Ok, harvest details for Fall CSA - Week #2:

2 Head Lettuce
Napa Cabbage!

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Fall CSA Harvest - Week #1

Good morning! 

Thank you for joining the Fall CSA! I'm excited about the variety of produce we'll have to share with you til mid-December! 

The last few weeks have felt like a whirlwind around here... but this week feels different. The weather is perfect. I'm loving the crisp breeze, beautiful sunsets, leaves changing, and not feeling rushed. We're sleeping in a little, moving slower, baking pies... and it feels SO good. Yay Fall!

There are still many things that need to happen around here... Mike and a few friends are going to finish harvesting the potatoes today, and we still have beets, carrots, parsnips and rutabagas to harvest in the coming weeks. The green block that we planted mid-August and early September for the Fall CSA is looking beautiful. I'm surprised at how quickly some things grew, and I'm taking notes for next year of what I could seed earlier, later, or compliment with a second planting. And I'm curious to see how the different varieties of kale, collards, lettuce, etc. handle the cold in a few weeks...

But for now, I'm going to enjoy the lovely weather and slowly tackle projects. 

Fall CSA Harvest - Week #1
Head Lettuce
Red Russian Kale
Bok Choy
Hakurei Turnips
Brussels Sprouts!
Delicata Squash

Have a  beautiful day!

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

CSA Harvest - Week #18

Good morning!

Here we are... it's already October 5th and the last CSA pickup of the 2016 'Summer' CSA. Thank you so much for joining us this season! I hope you have enjoyed having freshly harvested produce in your kitchen for the past several months! We have truly loved seeding, growing and harvesting produce for you all, sharing recipes and seeing your excitement each week.

Yesterday morning (Tuesday) was so COLD. It caught me off guard... I knew it might freeze but was not expecting it to dip into the mid twenties. Brrr. I freaked out a little bit, errr a lot,  in the morning once I realized just how cold it had been and when I peaked under the row cover to think about harvesting greens, they were icy. And even though I know most of the greens can thaw out and be just fine later in the day, I was still anxious and paranoid that they might not be OK to harvest for this week's CSA share. But... after a few hours of worry, sunshine and warmer temps everything thawed out just fine and I was harvesting greens for you all (a bit later than expected) in the Mancos wind. Oh my! It looks like another cold snap is scheduled for Thursday night and I'll be a little more prepared and expecting it :). 

Potato harvest has been the main focus around here for the past couple days and with the help of our friends and this beautiful potato digger that Mike is borrowing from a gentlemen up the road, were able to get quite a few beds out, bagged and in a root cellar. Success! 

The original brassica block has been cleared and the remains have been disced in to feed the soil for garlic planting later this month. It was exciting to harvest the last green 
cabbages of the season as well as the Brussels sprouts! I think these beauties will find their way into the Fall CSA next week. 

We finished clearing the last two greenhouse beds on Monday morning. So the plants are out, I just need to take down the trellis and pull the t-posts so we can prep and seed the last green beds tomorrow. I was hoping to get these seeded before 10/1 but it's been a little busy around here and the days just keep getting shorter.

I think we still have a few busy weeks around here and then things will start to slow down. And when they do... this girl is spending a day inside, probably drinking coffee and making cinnamon buns. Mmm hmmm. 

Ok, onto the harvest details for CSA Week #18:

Salad Greens
Bok Choy or Cabbage
Forono Beets
Hakurei Turnips
Green Tomatoes

I will see you all this afternoon. Enjoy the sunshine and crisp Fall air!